Dream Water Shot vs Dream Water Powder

Dream Water Shot vs Dream Water Powder

So I have been reviewing the awesome products from Dream Water, I will always say the Dream Water Shot works wonders for me. But after a few E-mails and some ads that have popped up in my feed. Well lo and behold they make a powder version as well.

So naturally, I just had to try it, and try it I did well I gotta say I am very glad I did. First off you don’t even need to add it to water or anything but the option is always there. I chose to bite the bullet and take it straight from the packet it literally was like eating a pixie stick it was that good. Now the directions say you can take one or two I found that only one packet worked for me.

Now being that it is a powder and if you take it straight out of the packet it will most likely hit you quicker. I say most likely because that is what it did for me, it hit me in 20 min to a half-hour and hit me hard. Whereas the shot takes about 45 min to an hour depending on my mood and how tired I really am.

What I say next is important do not drink this and run down to the corner store. Do not drink this and think well I got a certain amount of time to do things. Well, now you don’t you never know when you will feel the effects when this product hits you it hits you. Be warned sometimes it will sneak up on you and you will be out.

Also due to the amazing taste of just the powder alone, keep it out of reach of children. It is very easy to confuse it as candy and if you have more than one of these you just do not know what will happen.

I love both but I like the power slightly better due to the taste and the way it works quicker.

But once again be warned everyone is different so this product may act differently on me than you and vice versa.

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Just a guy from Jersey who is trying to make some extra cash to support my charity The JRX Foundation

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